Driving isn’t the only way to get around

Growing up in the suburbs I got used to driving everywhere. I drove less than a mile to school every day, I drove to hang out with my friends, I drove to soccer practice. No distance seemed too close to walk or bike.

All that changed when I went to college.

The University of Michigan is divided into two main campuses; North Campus and Central Campus. My freshman year I was placed in a dormitory on North Campus (much to my dismay), and I had to take the bus to get to classes and meetings.

At first, it was a hassle. I’d never ridden on a public bus, unless you count school buses in elementary school. Eventually, I got used to it. I learned to enjoy the bus rides. It was a brief period of time when I couldn’t do anything except ride on the bus. It was a break from learning, reading, and classes, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plus, it supplies an ample amount of people watching–and you don’t even have to buy coffee!

When I moved onto Central Campus, I no longer had to ride the bus. Instead, I had to walk everywhere. It was an even better alternative to driving. Fresh air and a break from school; the longer, the better. A 20-minute walk home became a great time to relax and as soon as I get home, I’ve had enough of a break to get cracking on homework, reading assignments, papers, and articles.

I learned to hate driving. On a college campus, it’s hard to find parking, gas is expensive, and you become that person people go to when they need a ride somewhere.

It’s a great time to graduate

Good news for the Class of 2012 is never-ending. Here’s what we have to look forward to: unemployment, underemployment, and low wages.

Youth unemployment has held steady at over 15 percent for the past six months, which means it’s going to be difficult to find a job once we graduate. Only 24 percent of college grads that have applied for jobs have one to go to following graduation.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, The Oakland Press reports that grads today are making less than they were in 2000.

We’ve all heard that college doesn’t guarantee a job like it did when our parents went to college, and it appears that’s playing out. The cost of a college degree may not be worth it. At least not right away.

All these statistics make soon-to-be grads think twice about becoming super-seniors. Why not waste a few thousand dollars for another year in the pseudo-world of college in order to avoid the real world of unemployment?

No one is impressed by common knowledge

“College students go to unheard-of lengths to be unique.” This quote is from one of my favorite T.V. shows, Gilmore Girls. And I couldn’t agree more.

High school was all about fitting in. Everyone wore the same clothes, listened to the same music, and did the same thing on the weekends. Sure, there were a few kids who were different, but for the most part, everyone was the same. In college all of that changes, and I’ve discovered there’s a new type of uniqueness that I didn’t even know existed three years ago.

College students crave unique knowledge. We want to know everything, but we also want to know things that people don’t know. My recent obsession is learning shorthand. It’s mostly because no one else knows how. I can imagine myself taking notes in class, getting down more information than anyone else who’s taking hand-written notes can. And the thing is, no one will have any idea what I’m writing. Shorthand is a useful skill (especially to an aspiring journalist), but I have to ask myself, is it really worth the time and energy that goes into learning it? Just today, someone’s Facebook status was, “Decided I want to take up Calligraphy at some point.” See! I’m not alone.

At huge universities like Michigan, there are hundreds of courses to choose from. I’ve taken some strange classes and learned things that will probably never be useful in the future. I took an anthroarchaeology course called “Fantastic Claims and Myths,” which had an entire lecture dedicated to whether or not Bigfoot is real. Currently, I am enrolled in “Fairytales,” which is listed as a German class, but taught in English. My textbook? The Complete Tales of the Brothers Grimm.

College students are nerds. We love having “Did you know?” conversations because it means we can pull out some of the useless knowledge that we have obtained in classes. We love having knowledge that others don’t. And yes, we’ll go to unheard-of lengths to obtain it. It’s why I spent last winter break memorizing the names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. A waste of time some might call it, but who else knew that there was a guy named Button Gwinnett from Georgia that signed the Declaration?

We get a rush of happiness every time we say something that know one else knows. It’s probably because we know that we’ll be out in the real world sooner than we know it. We’ll be back at the bottom of the food chain, and everyone will assume we know nothing.

Borders closes, students get cheap books

Borders in Ann Arbor finally closed its doors after 40 years of business. Most students have attributed Borders failure to the fact that it did not cash in on the electronic book business as Amazon (with the Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (with the Nook) did.

Regardless of why it closed, it will not really be missed. There was no need for a chain book store in Ann Arbor. If students buy textbooks for school, they’re going to go to the campus bookstores, go deal-hunting online at places like Amazon or rent books through websites like Chegg. Textbooks are expensive; and I’ve never heard any of my friends brag about the great prices they found at Borders.

If students want to read for pleasure, there are used bookstores like The Dawn Treader, my personal favorite, which have much more charm and cheaper prices than Borders ever did. You go to Borders if you are looking for a just-released book and don’t want to wait for it to arrive in the mail. But that’s rare on college campuses. We have enough going on with classes, homework, and clubs. We barely have time to read for pleasure, and if we do want a newly-released book, we can almost always wait the three-five days for it to arrive. Instead, students go into bookstores to enjoy browsing countless titles. You never know what you’re going to find in a used bookstore, and that’s the exciting part.

My best experience at Borders happened during its closing sale. I got four hard-cover books for less than $20 (80% off)!

Yes, it’s sad when a business closes. The economy is not doing anyone any favors these days, but Borders was a place that was obsolete in Ann Arbor.

In defense of cursive

I still remember learning cursive in third grade. All of my teachers said we had to learn it because it would be required in middle school and high school.

I quickly learned that was a lie. Not only was cursive never even encouraged in middle school or high school, my teachers told us not to use it because our printing was illegible enough. Needless to say, cursive seemed relevant only to an older generation and necessary only to sign important documents or checks. Not until my senior year of college did I learn the necessity of cursive.

Cursive used to be necessary because it’s fast, or at least faster than print. Note-taking, however, seems to be a lost art form in middle school and high school. In the few classes that I had to take notes, the teachers waited until every student wrote down every bit of information. There was no fear of missing something. Someone would always complain that the teacher was going too fast. Looking back on my high school notes, there is no sloppy writing, everything is perfectly legible, and I even had time in between notes to draw some pretty flowers.

Believe it or not, when I got to college, note-taking became even easier. My schedule was packed with huge lectures–and you could bring your laptop! Besides this, teachers post all of their slides online.

I was in for a rude awakening during syllabus week this year. Most senior year classes are tiny lectures of no more than 40 people. And the professors hate laptops. It makes students look distracted (because we are).

So I had to start taking notes by hand. I tried printing for a while, but my notes looked sloppy. I was left with no choice but to fall back on the old cursive.

And that is why students are still learning cursive. We may not use it until the very end of our educational careers, but it eventually comes in handy. Plus, it takes years to perfect your signature. You have to start early–in third grade.

We think we’re immune

College students (and perhaps all of us) suffer from “it won’t happen to me” syndrome.

In recent months, Ann Arbor has experienced an increase in crime. After six sexual assaults in the month of July, the FBI was called in to help the Ann Arbor Police Department with an investigation. The University of Michigan’s Department of Public Safety also hired a new safety director. So far, no leads have been developed (or have not been made public). Move-in welcomed a new slew of crimes, including one which happened right on the Diag, the center of U-M’s campus.

Despite this news, no one on campus seems worried.

I’ve received countless warnings to “be careful” from my parents, my friends parents, administrators, counselors, the list goes on and on. But honestly, I roll my eyes and say “I know!” Sure, students here are a little concerned. After all, it’s not everyday that the FBI comes to town. Must be a big deal, right?

But even when we know the victims of these crimes, as some of my friends do, we still don’t really think it will happen to us. And anyway, why live scared?

While students may not be taking the crime wave seriously, U-M’s response to the crisis has been scattered. Students on campus receive email updates about all the attacks that have occurred. Emails are received with the subject line: CRIME ALERT.

Some of these alerts are just silly. For example, one crime alert I received described the suspect (who may or may not have been armed) as a black male, possibly bald or with dreadlocks. [Emphasis added].

It’s hard to take things seriously when it is so plainly obvious that the university has no idea what’s going on. Bald and dreadlocks are quite possibly the two least similar hairstyles a person could have.

Another recent crime alert had the description of the suspect as four fraternity brothers who stole a watch:

1) White male, 20-21 years, 6’2″-6’3″ wearing a white baseball hat with Greek letters worn backwards and a polo shirt
2) White male, 20-21 years, 6′, wearing shorts and red polo shirt
3) White male, 20-21 years, 6’1″, wearing shorts and shirt
4) White male, 20-21 years, 6’1″, with dark brown or black hair

Most students that talked about this crime alert laughed it off as some fraternity brothers goofing around.

I’m not trying to diminish the severity of the attacks, which I’m sure were awful for the victims. But most students on campus think nothing will happen to them.